CSL DD Boost Kit 180 Bundle

$479.95 *

plus shipping and tax (if applicable)

PC This product is compatible with PC. Click label for more details.

This product is discontinued! There are no units left and there will be no pre-order for this product!


Boost Kit 180:

  • Larger, 180W power supply unlocks full performance of CSL DD (standard power supply is 90W)
  • Designed and tested specifically for the CSL DD
  • Improves dynamic range (from 5 Nm to 8 Nm peak torque)


  • Direct-Drive system delivers instant, detailed force feedback
  • Linear, consistent performance (8 Nm peak torque with Boost Kit 180)
  • Patented, exclusive FluxBarrier™ technology optimises motor efficiency and smoothness
  • Full Fanatec SDK support ensures game compatibility out of the box for all major racing games
  • Standard Tuning Menu allows beginners to get started quickly without having to worry about settings
  • Advanced Tuning Menu allows enthusiasts to fine-tune the force feedback characteristics to suit their driving preferences
  • High-resolution (contactless) Hall-position-sensor, same as Podium Series
  • Steering axis made from carbon fibre-enhanced composite
  • Fanless: wheel base housing is made from aluminium (passive heat sink, core structural component) with composite end caps
  • Wireless-QR technology (slip ring system, life-tested 24/7 for thousands of hours) means no mechanical rotation limiter, provides cable-free delivery of power and data to steering wheels.
  • Automotive-grade quick release, exchangeable
  • T-nut rail system on sides and bottom for easily adjustable hard-mounting
  • Temporary mounting possible with optional table clamp (not included), supports 5 to 60 mm table thickness
  • Ports:
    • Power supply
    • USB-C to PC / console
    • Fanatec DataPort-C
    • Shifter 1
    • Shifter 2 (Sequential only)
    • Pedal
    • Handbrake
  • Front-mounted threaded inserts for Fanatec accessories (e.g. ClubSport Static Shifter Paddles, available separately). Not intended for front-mounting the wheel base to a sim racing chassis/cockpit.



The CSL DD is compatible with:

  • Fanatec Podium Steering Wheels 
  • Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheels
  • Fanatec CSL Steering Wheels
  • All Fanatec Pedals (adapter cables might be required on pedals without RJ12 connection)
  • Fanatec ClubSport Shifters (including ClubSport Static Shifter Paddles)
  • Fanatec ClubSport Handbrake V1 and V1.5
  • Fanatec RennSport Cockpits
  • ClubSport Table Clamp V2
  • CSL DD Table Clamp
  • Boost Kit 180
  • Podium Mounting Brackets (the CSL DD includes M6 T-nuts for side-mounting; the Podium Mounting Brackets require the use of M6 bolts and washers)


  • PC: This wheel base is compatible with PC when combined with a Fanatec Steering Wheel. Check the individual Steering Wheel product pages for Wheel Base compatibility.
  • Xbox®: This wheel base becomes compatible with Xbox One® and Xbox Series X|S when used with any Fanatec Xbox-licensed steering wheel.
  • PlayStation®: This product is not compatible with any PlayStation® console and cannot be upgraded to achieve compatibility.

Special Notes

  • Not suitable for children. A Direct Drive Wheel Base is not a toy! The fast movements of the steering wheel and strong torque can be dangerous. Please read the safety instructions.
  • In order to enable features such as Steering Wheel LEDs in some titles, it may be necessary to switch the CSL DD to Compatibility Mode. This can also help with titles not working in standard PC mode. Check the Quick Guide for details.
  • Due to the addition of the Boost Kit 180 (180W power supply), the standard 90W power supply is not included.

What's included

Technical Specifications

  • Platform PC
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My CSL DD / Gran Turismo DD Pro disconnects or loses force feedback / wheel inputs during a race, what should I do?

It has come to our attention that the clamp that secures the base-side quick release to the motor shaft in some CSL DD and Gran Turismo DD Pro units was not tightened enough during final assembly, and this can cause the base-side quick release to move slightly over time, and eventually lose connection (with the internal USB-C socket). 


This connection is essential for the transfer of data and power to the steering wheel, and therefore it is very important that this clamp is secure. Please perform the wheel base quick-release re-seating procedure shown in the video guide below, in case you are experiencing one of the following symptoms while driving: 


1) Steering wheel disconnection 

2) Sudden loss of force feedback 

3) Buttons stop working 



In case the re-seating of the wheel basequick-release does not help, please reach out to our Technical Support by opening a support ticket via the My Products section of your Fanatec account. 



My wheel base is not recognized in certain games, what can I do? (for example F1 2021 on PS5) MI CSL DD NO ES RECONOCIDO EN CIERTOS JUEGOS PARA PC, ¿QUÉ PUEDO HACER? IL MIO CSL DD NON VIENE RICONOSCIUTO IN ALCUNI GIOCHI PER PC, COSA POSSO FARE?

It can happen in certain games, that your CSL DD/GT DD Pro is not being recognized. This is due to the fact that the product has not been implemented by all game developers, yet.

For that reason, the CSL DD/ GT DD Pro offers the Comp. V2.5 and the Playstation Compatibility Mode as an alternative. The Comp. V2.5 and Playstation Compatibility Mode do no change to the Force Feedback but can enable button inputs, display and LED functionality in most cases.

For more details please visit our Forum and select the desired game to check for our recommended settings for the CSL DD/GT DD Pro:


En ciertos juegos de PC, puede suceder que no se reconozca su CSL DD. Esto se debe al hecho de que el producto aún no ha sido implementado por todos los desarrolladores de juegos.

Por esa razón, el CSL DD ofrece el modo “Comp. V2.5 Mode” como alternativa. El modo de compatibilidad V2.5 no cambia el Force Feedback, pero puede habilitar la señal o entrada de los botones, la pantalla y la funcionalidad LED en la mayoría de los casos.

 Para obtener más información, visite nuestro Foro y seleccione el juego deseado para verificar la configuración recomendada para CSL DD:


Può succedere che in alcuni giochi per PC il tuo CSL DD non venga riconosciuto.  

Ciò è dovuto al fatto che il prodotto non è stato ancora implementato da tutti gli sviluppatori di giochi.  

Per questo motivo il CSL DD offre il Comp. Modalità V2.5 come alternativa.  

Il comp. In modalità V2.5 non modifica il Force Feedback, ma nella maggior parte dei casi può abilitare l’uso dei pulsanti, il display e la funzionalità LED.  

Per maggiori dettagli, visita il nostro Forum e seleziona il gioco desiderato per verificare le nostre impostazioni consigliate per CSL DD:


Motor firmware shown as version ''0'' FIRMWARE DU MOTEUR AFFICHE EN TANT QUE VERSION ''0'' LA VERSIÓN DEL FIRMWARE DE MOTOR SE MUESTRA COMO “0” Firmware del motore mostrato come versione ''0'' Motor Firmware zeigt „0“ an

Please try the following software solution in order to resolve the issue:  


  1. Reset your devices by following this guide: https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/1758/symptom-fanatec-driver-does-not-install-uninstall-correctly 
  2. Install the driver package again and update their firmware: https://fanatec.com/eu-en/driver 
  3. Perform the firmware update for the wheel base and the motor driver through the Firmware Update manager. In case you received the message “Firmware is up to date” and you are not able to proceed, please select “Manual update” located in the top right corner of the firmware manager, then proceed with the update of the firmware. 


In case the procedure above does not help, please reach out to technical support for further assistance. 

Veuillez essayer la solution logicielle suivante afin de résoudre le problème :

1) Réinitialisez vos appareils en suivant ce guide : https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/1758/symptom-fanatec-driver-does-not-install-uninstall-correctly

2) Installez à nouveau le pack de pilotes et mettez à jour leur firmware : https://fanatec.com/eu-en/driver

3) Effectuez la mise à jour du firmware de la roue et du pilote de moteur via le gestionnaire de mise à jour du micrologiciel. Le gestionnaire de mise à jour peut indiquer « Firmware is up to date », dans ce cas, cochez « Manual update » dans le gestionnaire de mise à jour du micrologiciel et procédez à la mise à jour (réinstallez) le firmware.

Si la procédure ci-dessus ne vous aide pas, veuillez contacter le support technique pour obtenir de l'aide.

Por favor intente la siguiente solución de software para resolver el problema:
1) Restablezca sus dispositivos siguiendo esta guía:
2) Instale el paquete de controladores de nuevo y actualice su firmware: 

3) Realice la actualización del firmware para la base de volante y el controlador del motor a través del Administrador de Actualizaciones de firmware (Firmware Update manager). El administrador de actualizaciones puede indicar que "El firmware está actualizado", en este caso marque en la casilla de verificación "Actualización manual" (Manual Update) en el gestor de actualizaciones de firmware y continuar con la actualización (reinstalación) del firmware.

 En caso de que el procedimiento anterior no ayude, comuníquese con el soporte técnico para obtener más ayuda.

Si prega di provare la seguente soluzione software per risolvere il problema: 

1) Ripristina i tuoi dispositivi seguendo questa guida: https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/1758/symptom-fanatec-driver-does-not-install-uninstall-correctly

2) Installa nuovamente il pacchetto driver e aggiorna il firmware: https://fanatec.com/eu-en/driver

3) Eseguire l'aggiornamento del firmware per la base del volante e il driver del motore tramite il Firmware Update manager. Il gestore degli aggiornamenti può indicare "Il firmware è aggiornato", in questo caso selezionare "Aggiornamento manuale" nel gestore degli aggiornamenti del firmware e procedere con l'aggiornamento (reinstallare) il firmware. 


Nel caso in cui la procedura di cui sopra non sia di aiuto, contattare il supporto tecnico per ulteriore assistenza.

Bitte führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus um das Problem zu beheben:

1) Setzen Sie Ihre Geräte zurück, indem Sie diese Anleitung befolgen: https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/1758/symptom-fanatec-driver-does-not-install-uninstall-correctly

2) Installieren Sie das Treiberpaket erneut und aktualisieren Sie die Firmware: https://fanatec.com/eu-de/driver

3) Führen Sie das Update für die Wheel Base und den Motor Treiber über den Firmware Update Manager durch. Sollte der Update Manager „Firmware is up to date“ anzeigen, wählen Sie „Manual Update“ im Firmware Update Manager aus und fahren Sie mit dem Update (Neuinstallieren) der Firmware fort.

Sollten die oben genannten Schritte das Problem nicht beheben, kontaktieren Sie bitte unseren Technischen Support.

My firmware is up to date and I cannot reflash it Mon firmware est à jour et je ne peux pas le reflasher Mi firmware está actualizado y no puedo “reflashearlo” Il mio firmware è aggiornato e non posso aggiornarlo Meine Firmware ist auf dem neuesten Stand und ich kann diese nicht erneut flashen

With the new firmware manager, the ‘’Update’’ button will remain grey and not available in case you are having the latest firmware installed on your devices. This of course doesn’t mean that you are still not able to reflash/reinstall the firmware again. To make the option become available again, press the Manual Firmware Update button in the top right corner of the Firmware Manager window:  




This will unlock the firmware update option for each device. You can then proceed and perform the firmware update/reflash on the device you wish:  


Remarque : suivez les instructions ci-dessous uniquement lorsque vous êtes sûr à 100 % que la version du pilote PC est compatible avec vos produits Fanatec connectés. La dernière version du pilote PC est toujours disponible sur https://fanatec.com/driver .

Avec le nouveau gestionnaire de firmware, le bouton « Update » restera gris et non disponible au cas où vous auriez le dernier firmware installé sur vos appareils. Cela ne signifie bien sûr pas que vous ne pouvez toujours pas reflasher/réinstaller le firmware à nouveau. Pour que l'option redevienne disponible, appuyez sur le bouton Manual Firmware Update dans le coin supérieur droit de la fenêtre Firmware Manager :

Cela débloquera l'option de mise à jour du Firmware pour chaque appareil. Vous pouvez ensuite procéder et effectuer la mise à jour/reflashage du firmware sur l'appareil de votre choix :

Con el nuevo administrador de firmware (firmware updater), el botón de actualización (“Update”)  permanecerá en gris y no estará disponible en caso de que tenga el firmware más reciente instalado en sus dispositivos. Esto por supuesto no significa que no pueda reflashear o reinstalar el firmware de nuevo. Para activar la opción una vez más, seleccione la opción de actualización manual del firmware (Manual Firmware Update) ubicada en la esquina superior derecha en la ventana del administrador de firmware. 

Esto permitirá la opción de actualización de firmware para cada dispositivo. Entonces puede continuar y realizar la actualización de firmware o bien “reflashear” el dispositivo que desee. 

Con il nuovo gestore del firmware, il pulsante "Aggiorna" rimarrà grigio e non disponibile nel caso in cui sui dispositivi sia installato il firmware più recente. Questo, ovviamente, non significa che non sei ancora in grado di eseguire nuovamente il reflash/reinstallare il firmware. Per rendere nuovamente disponibile l'opzione, premere il pulsante Aggiornamento manuale firmware nell'angolo in alto a destra della finestra Firmware Manager: 


Questo sbloccherà l'opzione di aggiornamento del firmware per ogni dispositivo. Puoi quindi procedere ed eseguire l'aggiornamento/reflash del firmware sul dispositivo che desideri: