
Our top FAQs:
  • Availability & Pre-Orders

    If items are marked as "sold out" on our website, this may be a temporary display error. When products are out of stock, they normally have a pre-order date. Discontinued items are removed from our website, though you can find information on them via our Media/Downloads tab at the top of our website. It is possible to purchase temporarily unavailable items if they are on pre-order. These orders will be dispatched as soon as our warehouse receives new units and all items in your order are in stock. 

  • Start of warranty

    Your warranty start as shown in your account is based on the shipping date of your order. This means if you purchase an item on pre-order, your actual purchase date has no bearing on the start of your warranty coverage. If you require support towards the end of the expiration of your warranty, we take the date of delivery into account. If your order was impacted by delivery delays, this will be considered if you need to open a warranty claim.

  • How long does it take to process my order?

    All items of your order must be in stock in order for it to be processed. Actual turnaround time may vary, and involves considerations like shipping destination. Orders requiring export or customs documentation usually take several days longer. We kindly ask you to keep this in mind when selecting your shipping method (provided your delivery destination has more than one shipping option). Please note that our service partners do not deliver on weekends and holidays..

  • I returned my order. When will I receive my refund?

    Your goods must first be confirmed as received and inspected by our warehouse before a refund can be issued. The turnaround time can vary by time of year and other factors (Black Friday backlog, holidays, etc.). Refunds for bank transfer payments may take a few days longer (EU only!). 

You need answers - quickly? Our new AI knowledge system wants to help!

Join our pilot project to optimize access to our sales FAQs. Currently, only general account and ordering process information is available (no personal data). However, by using our tool, the system will learn and improve.

Note: Our knowledge base is still in development, so if the results were not helpful, please tell us why by clicking on the thumbs down and selecting Other for your explanation. Your input is essential in unlocking the full potential of this valuable service.

Please note that your AI feedback does not replace an official support request. If you have any unanswered questions, you can reach out to us using a Fanatec contact form.

Thank you!

As our AI is still in the testing phase, we recommend cross-referencing answers regarding features, specifications, performance or compatibility with the respective product description and manuals before making a purchase decision.

Still have questions? Let us help!

Contact Fanatec customer service