ClubSport Pedals V3 inverted

$429.99 *

plus shipping and tax (if applicable)

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PC This product is compatible with PC. Click label for more details.
PS Ready This product becomes compatible with PlayStation systems when combined with a PlayStation-licensed Wheel Base. Click label for more details.
XBox Ready This product becomes compatible with Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S systems when combined with an Xbox-licensed Steering Wheel. Click label for more details.

Ships within 4-7 days


  • Turning points of brake and clutch on top side like in real cars
  • High resolution pedals with magnetic and contactless sensors on gas and clutch for a long life and maximum performance
  • Pressure sensitive brake with custom made 90 kg load cell sensor
  • Adjustable brake stiffness and travel without tools
  • 12-bit resolution (4096 values) on all axis
  • Alternative D-shape race plates in curved design
  • Pedal extension to adjust the angle of the pedal plate and to change the angle of the whole pedal arm
  • Brake sensitivity can be adjusted through the Tuning Menu of the wheel and during the race
  • Vibration motor on throttle pedal indicates rear wheel spin and oversteer (control by games is possible via Fanatec Wheel SDK)
  • Vibration motor on brake pedal to simulate ABS and indicate locking tires (controlled by Fanatec wheels: Compatible to all games. Dynamic control by games is possible via Fanatec Wheel SDK)
  • Design of the gas pedal allows quick exchange of the springs. Two springs of different strengths are included
  • Damper Kit assembled out-of-box on brake pedal, optional damper kit for gas sold separately. The hyraulic dampening resistance can easily be adjusted with a knob
  • Full multiplatform compatibility, depending solely on the platform compatibilities of the connected Wheel Base/Racing Wheel
  • Full metal construction of CNC-machined aluminium
  • Ultimate adjustability: Position of pedal plates in all directions, angle, spring strength at throttle, brake sensitivity, brake travel
  • Compatible with the Colour Kits to allow visual customisation (Note: Colour Kit footrest is shorter than standard V3i footrest!)



  • PC:
    • If you connect it to a Fanatec Wheel Base / Racing Wheel, it will be compatible to all racing games. For more information, check the compatibility details on the product page of the connected product.
    • It will work with any racing wheel, also of​ any other brand (Logitech, Thrustmaster, etc), if the pedals are connected to PC via USB and if the game supports a second controller. ​These PC games support a second USB controller:
      • iRacing
      • Assetto Corsa
      • Project Cars
      • GTR 2
      • Race 07
      • rFactor
      • Live for Speed
      • ...and many others
  • Consoles: This pedal set can be used on gaming consoles, if connected through a Fanatec Wheel Base / Racing Wheel. Further information can be found on the Fanatec Wheel Base / Racing Wheel product pages. It will not work on consoles using the direct USB Connection or a ClubSport USB Adapter.


  • Compatible with any Fanatec Wheel Base or Fanatec Racing Wheel with RJ12 Pedals connector. To connect Fanatec Wheels with PS/2 Pedal Socket, you need the additional PS/2 to RJ12 cable.
  • Compatible with ClubSport Pedals V3 Brake Performance Kit
  • Compatible with ClubSport Pedals V3 Damper Kit (Throttle Pedal)
  • Dedicated plug for the ClubSport Handbrake
  • The pedals are not compatible with the ClubSport USB Adapter. Please use the included USB connector (PC only).

Special Notes

  • Please note that the vibration function on gas and brake is not supported by all games. On PC it can be implemented with plugins to our driver / third party software if the games sends the telemetry data.
  • Max resolution depends on the connection:
    • through PWT / PWTS / CSR / CSR Elite wheel: 8-bit (256 values) on all axes
    • through CSW B V1 / CSW B V2 / CS WB V2.5 / CSL E WB / CSL E WB+ / CSL E WB V1.1 / CSL E RW PS4: 12 bit (4096 values) / P WB DD1 & DD2 on all axes
    • USB direct connection (PC): 12-bit (4096 values) on all axes

Packaging Details

  • Dimensions (L x W x H) 50cm x 40cm x 34cm
  • Weight 11.48kg
  • Volume weight 13.6kg

What's included

  • ClubSport Pedals V3 inverted
  • ClubSport Pedals V3i Damper Kit (pre-assembled on brake pedal)
  • 3x Pedal Extensions (2x assembled, 1x accessory)
  • 3x D-shape pedal plates incl. mounting screws
  • 1x Strong spring throttle
  • 2x Stabilizer feet incl. mounting screws
  • 1x RJ12 connection cable (150cm)
  • 1x USB connection cable (180cm)
  • 1x Allen Key for damper
  • 1x Lithium grease bottle
  • 1x Quick Guide

Technical Specifications

  • Platform PC, PS4 Ready, XBox One Ready
  • Adjustable pedal angle Yes
  • Color kit Optional
  • Brake performance kit Optional
  • Max bits of resolution 12 (4096) on all axes
  • USB Connectivity Direct
  • Adjustable brake stiffness and travel Yes
  • Adjustable spring strength Throttle
  • Sensors Contactless magnetic, Loadcell
  • Pedal pads Anodized aluminium, D-shaped
  • Vertically adjustable Yes
  • Horizontally adjustable Yes
  • Damper Brake pedal, Optional
  • Throttle vibration Yes
  • ABS brake vibration Yes
  • Degressive clutch Yes
  • Clutch pedal Yes
  • Adjustable brake sensitivity Yes
  • Load cell brake Yes
  • Main material CNC machined Aluminium
  • Hardmount Bottom
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Driver (for PC)
The Fanatec wheel driver will also support these pedals. Please check and download the driver for your Fanatec wheel. If you do not have a Fanatec wheel please install the driver listed on the left side.

Please connect the Pedals either to the wheel by RJ12 cable or by USB directly. Do not use both connections at the same time! On consoles you will have to plug the pedals into the wheel.


The pressure-sensitive load cell brake on these pedals works differently to potentiometer pedals. With the feature "BrF" (Brakeforce) within the wheel tuning menu, you can adjust how much pedal pressure is needed to have full brake power in the software. Once you get used to the feeling, you will quickly benefit from the advantages over “normal” brake sensors.

If you think your pedals do not work like expected, please connect them by USB to a PC if possible and check the functions this way. Please also check the cable connections. 

Drilling template - additional information:

1. When printing the Drilling Template at home, please make sure that the print size is 100% (file size = print size). Therefore deactivate "automatic page scaling" in the print dialog for example.

2. Before drilling the holes, please check if the hole marks on your printed Drilling Template fit to the screw holes of your pedals. 

Can I use other (USB, RJ12, etc.) cables than the original ones? Kann ich anderen Kabel als die mitgelieferten (RJ12, USB, etc.) Kabel verwenden?

Any RJ12-RJ12 (6p6c straight) and USB (type A -- type B; USB 1/2.0; USB Type C) cable which has the right connectors on both ends can be used. If you use high quality cables of similar length to the originals, there should be no issues. Please keep in mind that FANATEC cannot guarantee perfect functionality of our products if third-party products are used, even if the combination should work! 

Important notes regarding (replacement) cables: 

  • Cables which are significantly longer than the original cables can cause connection issues 
  • Extension cables are often the source of connection issues. Longer high-quality cables are the better option 
  • If your product came with a high-quality ferrite core cable, a replacement cable should be of similar quality 
  • For USB Type C cables, please make sure that you are using USB Type C Data and not a Charging cable 


Q: Can I purchase replacement "RJ12--RJ12" / "USB A -- USB B / USB Type C (for the CSL DD)" cables from FANATEC? 

A: We should be able to offer replacement cables for all recent products. If they are not offered in the webshop, please ask our support team. Alternatively, it is also possible to use similar standard USB/RJ12 high quality cables, which are inexpensive and can be found at most electrical retailers. 

Grundsätzlich sollten alle standard RJ12--RJ12 (6p6c - straight) und USB (Type A auf Type B; USB 1/2.0) Kabel passen und einwandfrei funktionieren, welche die richtigen Stecker bieten. Sofern hochqualitative Kabel mit ähnlicher Länge verwendet werden, sollte dies kein Problem darstellen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Fanatec keine uneingeschränkte Garantie auf Funktionalität geben kann, sofern Teile/Produkte von Drittherstellern verwendet werden bzw. involviert sind.


Wichtige Anmerkungen zu Ersatzkabeln:

  • Kabel welche (deutlich) länger als die Originalkabel sind, können zu Verbindungsproblemen führen
  • Verlängerungskabel (und Adapterstecker) sind oft die Ursache von mangelhafter Übertragungsqualität der Signale. Längere Kabel wären hier die bessere Option.
  • Wenn ihr Produkt mit einem hochwertigen Kabel inkl. Ferrit-Kern geliefert wurde, sollten sie als Ersatz ein ähnlich hochwertiges Kabel verwenden.

Frage: Kann ich ein (RJ12--RJ12 oder USB A -- USB B) Ersatzkabel von Fanatec kaufen?
Antwort: Wir sollten in der Lage sein für aktuelle Produkte Ersatzkabel zu Verfügung zu stellen. Falls diese im Webshop nicht gelistet sind, fragen sie bitte unser Supportteam danach. Es ist allerdings auch möglich ähnliche Standardkabel in hoher Qualität von anderen Händlern zu erschwinglichen Preisen zu kaufen und zu verwenden.

My firmware is up to date and I cannot reflash it Mon firmware est à jour et je ne peux pas le reflasher Mi firmware está actualizado y no puedo “reflashearlo” Il mio firmware è aggiornato e non posso aggiornarlo Meine Firmware ist auf dem neuesten Stand und ich kann diese nicht erneut flashen

With the new firmware manager, the ‘’Update’’ button will remain grey and not available in case you are having the latest firmware installed on your devices. This of course doesn’t mean that you are still not able to reflash/reinstall the firmware again. To make the option become available again, press the Manual Firmware Update button in the top right corner of the Firmware Manager window:  




This will unlock the firmware update option for each device. You can then proceed and perform the firmware update/reflash on the device you wish:  


Remarque : suivez les instructions ci-dessous uniquement lorsque vous êtes sûr à 100 % que la version du pilote PC est compatible avec vos produits Fanatec connectés. La dernière version du pilote PC est toujours disponible sur .

Avec le nouveau gestionnaire de firmware, le bouton « Update » restera gris et non disponible au cas où vous auriez le dernier firmware installé sur vos appareils. Cela ne signifie bien sûr pas que vous ne pouvez toujours pas reflasher/réinstaller le firmware à nouveau. Pour que l'option redevienne disponible, appuyez sur le bouton Manual Firmware Update dans le coin supérieur droit de la fenêtre Firmware Manager :

Cela débloquera l'option de mise à jour du Firmware pour chaque appareil. Vous pouvez ensuite procéder et effectuer la mise à jour/reflashage du firmware sur l'appareil de votre choix :

Con el nuevo administrador de firmware (firmware updater), el botón de actualización (“Update”)  permanecerá en gris y no estará disponible en caso de que tenga el firmware más reciente instalado en sus dispositivos. Esto por supuesto no significa que no pueda reflashear o reinstalar el firmware de nuevo. Para activar la opción una vez más, seleccione la opción de actualización manual del firmware (Manual Firmware Update) ubicada en la esquina superior derecha en la ventana del administrador de firmware. 

Esto permitirá la opción de actualización de firmware para cada dispositivo. Entonces puede continuar y realizar la actualización de firmware o bien “reflashear” el dispositivo que desee. 

Con il nuovo gestore del firmware, il pulsante "Aggiorna" rimarrà grigio e non disponibile nel caso in cui sui dispositivi sia installato il firmware più recente. Questo, ovviamente, non significa che non sei ancora in grado di eseguire nuovamente il reflash/reinstallare il firmware. Per rendere nuovamente disponibile l'opzione, premere il pulsante Aggiornamento manuale firmware nell'angolo in alto a destra della finestra Firmware Manager: 


Questo sbloccherà l'opzione di aggiornamento del firmware per ogni dispositivo. Puoi quindi procedere ed eseguire l'aggiornamento/reflash del firmware sul dispositivo che desideri: