PlayStation compatibility UPDATE 2

You might have already noticed that we have removed the icons to show the PlayStation compatibility on our website. So what does that mean?
As part of the licensing process for a new, officially licensed racing wheel, Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) has asked us to stop promoting our unlicensed wheels as beeing PlayStation compatible and we are happy to comply with that. As soon as we have a fully licensed PlayStation wheel on the market, we will officially announce the compatibility again.
If you already purchased a Fanatec product with previously promoted PS3 or PS4 compatibility, basically nothing will change for you. The compatibility for those wheels still depends solely on the game developers and if they decide to add/keep support for their wheels in their games or not.
If you purchase a new wheel from us from now on we will only guarantee the PC or Xbox One compatibility as advertised.
I hope you understand our position and rest assured that we do everything to make our products as compatible as possible.
As part of the licensing process for a new, officially licensed racing wheel, Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) has asked us to stop promoting our unlicensed wheels as beeing PlayStation compatible and we are happy to comply with that. As soon as we have a fully licensed PlayStation wheel on the market, we will officially announce the compatibility again.
If you already purchased a Fanatec product with previously promoted PS3 or PS4 compatibility, basically nothing will change for you. The compatibility for those wheels still depends solely on the game developers and if they decide to add/keep support for their wheels in their games or not.
If you purchase a new wheel from us from now on we will only guarantee the PC or Xbox One compatibility as advertised.
I hope you understand our position and rest assured that we do everything to make our products as compatible as possible.
The situation has still not changed much as we are still wating for a contract but it seems that a lot of our customers are very angry based on wrong assumptions.
Therefore I would like to make some statements:
Therefore I would like to make some statements:
1. Sony clearly said that PS3 steering wheels will only have limited Support on the PS4. This was posted on their Website and accessible to every PS4 owner.
2. We never made any promises that your wheels will be future proof and 100% compatible with any upcoming PS4 game. In fact DriveClub was the first racing game on PS4 and it was never compatible. All owners of a CSW V2 could have known that and we clearly made big warnings on our product page that compatibility depends on the support of the game developer. We were never hiding anything and we did not try to mislead anybody. Please do not blame us if you did not read or believe in the big warnings in the the product description.
3. No other manufactuerer even bothered to make unlicensed PS3 wheels compatible to PS4. Fanatec at least made several games compatible to several of our wheels. Wheels which we are not even selling anymore so there was no commercial sense for us. We even made old Xbox 360 wheels compatible to PS3 and PS4. We did it for YOU.
4. Official PS4 wheels require a security chip. The only way to get such a chip is to make an agreement with Sony.
5. Making an agreement with Sony is not a matter of money or effort or is anything we can influence. We can make proposals and they can accept it or not. They are not obliged to give us a license and there is no right for us to get one. If you think that it is simply a matter of money then ask yourself why we have no problem to pay royalties to Porsche, BMW or Microsoft but would not do so to the platform holder which gives us access to 65% of the wheel market. We are not stupid ;-). And by the way, Sony is not asking for crazy royalties. It is the normal rate that anybody has to pay if he gets selected.
6. We only get such an agreement if we strictly and 100% follow their rules. If they want us to stop sending dev kits to the game developers then we do so. If we have to make our unlicensed wheels not compatible anymore then we do so. The only alternative we have is to have no licensed wheels at all.
And that means you not only have to buy a new base but you also need new steering wheels, shifters, handbrakes, static shifter paddles etc.
And that means you not only have to buy a new base but you also need new steering wheels, shifters, handbrakes, static shifter paddles etc.
5. Emulating the security chip or other hacks might be possible but I hope you understand now that we are not even thinking about such an option.
6. Making a Universal hub for PS4 would be our preferred choice and we suggested that idea to Sony. Unfortunately it was rejected with no reason given. Again, we cannot force them to accept something.
But there is a very positive aspect of that. On the Xbox it is impossible to use the popular Formula, BMW or Porsche steering wheels. It is likely that those steering wheels could be used on a potential PS4 base. Most of our customers have 2 or more steering wheels. It might be cheaper to replace the base than to replace all steering wheels.
7. If we can get a license then it will be for something based on the CSL Elite base. This is certainly a step down from a CSW BV2 but probably still a lot better than any other alternative for PS4. And if this PS4 Wheel is selling well then there is no reason that we cannot get another license for another wheel.
So what are my recommendations for you?
Stay calm. We are working hard on a solution which is best for you and there is a high chance that we can achieve it.
If we can make a PS4 Version of the CSL Elite Wheel base then it is very likely that you can keep your pedals, steering wheels, shifters, table clamps, handbrakes etc.. And there is great new stuff coming up as well.
You can sell your CSWB V2 for good money to a PC or XOne user. Used bases sometimes sell on eBay with almost the same price as new. Perhaps you lose only 10% to 25% but you used it for several months.
Of Course you could also sell your PS4 and switch to PC or XOne. Or you buy a product of the competition and support this license business which made you so upset.
Let us get this contract done and then we hurry up to catch the Launch of GT Sport. We make sure that you have a decent setup for it.
Good News!
I am happy to announce that we finally signed an Agreement with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for an officially licensed racing Wheel for the PlayStation 4. Of Course we are in discussions with other regions as well and our target is to make a fully compatible racing wheel for Gran Turismo Sport and other great racing simulations in 2017.
We can now make this new racing wheel compatible to the console system and that means you get full functionality like the PS button or navigation in the console menu. Unfortunately we cannot share more technical details about this product until it is fully approved.
It is still Sony's policy that only official licensed products will be compatible to future games but we will make as much of your current peripherals compatible to the PS4 as possible. What we can already confirm is that at this point it is not possible to make existing wheel bases compatible anymore. This is not a technical problem but was part of the deal. I am aware that this is not what some of you want to hear but we will make sure that the new racing wheel will be the best wheel for PS4 out there. So if you stay with Fanatec it will still be your best option.
It is still Sony's policy that only official licensed products will be compatible to future games but we will make as much of your current peripherals compatible to the PS4 as possible. What we can already confirm is that at this point it is not possible to make existing wheel bases compatible anymore. This is not a technical problem but was part of the deal. I am aware that this is not what some of you want to hear but we will make sure that the new racing wheel will be the best wheel for PS4 out there. So if you stay with Fanatec it will still be your best option.
We can also not comment on the timeline but rest assured that we are already working full speed on this project and try to start the approval process already this year. How long it takes is out of our control.
A official Playstation wheel opens the Fanatec Brand in an optimal way for the most selling console. I hope Fanatec has great success.
If nothing changes for me and my wheels.... your welcome.
I personally don't need a special PS4 Wheel, my ForceFeedback works in a perfect way on all consoles and PC. That's what i have bought and still use. For a user with only a PS4, it could be a different thing.
I understand the information from Thomas in that way, that my Hardware works in the future in that way it works now. The only thing ist that it has no official PS4 brandmark.......but it works and that is what i want.