NEW - Customer Service Contact Form

The Fanatec Team will be happy to help you with your question. Use the form below to get in touch.


Please note

If you have already contacted us, we kindly ask you not to submit a second query for the same topic. Our response time is currently at least two weeks, in part due to multiple inquiries on the same matter. Messages are answered in the order in which they were received.

If you want to update us on a case/ticket, please feel free to reply to the receipt confirmation Email which sums up your inquiry.

For product support, including repairs (RMAs) or replacement parts, please contact our technical support team via this link to avoid processing delays.

We invite you to test our AI ASSISTED KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM which aims to provide quick answers to your questions!


If you feel the provided search results could be better, please leave feedback. This input will contribute to the continuous improvement of our system and ultimately lead to an enhanced service experience. We greatly appreciate your support in this endeavor!

Disclaimer: As our AI Knowledge Base System is still in the testing phase, we recommend cross-referencing answers regarding features, specifications, performance, or compatibility with the product description and manuals before making a purchase decision.

NEW - Customer Service Contact Form
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