It has come to our attention that the clamp that secures the base-side quick release to the motor shaft in some CSL DD and Gran Turismo DD Pro units was not tightened enough during final assembly, and this can cause the base-side quick release to move slightly over time, and eventually lose connection (with the internal USB-C socket).
This connection is essential for the transfer of data and power to the steering wheel, and therefore it is very important that this clamp is secure. Please perform the wheel base quick-release re-seating procedure shown in the video guide below, in case you are experiencing one of the following symptoms while driving:
1) Steering wheel disconnection
2) Sudden loss of force feedback
3) Buttons stop working
In case the re-seating of the wheel basequick-release does not help, please reach out to our Technical Support by opening a support ticket via the My Products section of your Fanatec account.