ClubSport Wheel Base V2 - The first reviews and opinions!- UPDATE 6

A lot of you guys are looking forward to the FIRST REVIEWS of the new ClubSport wheel Base V2 and the embargo ends today 12.00 (noon) German time. All reviews will be listed below so you get a lot of opinions about the new product.
These are not traditional reviews as we have only sent out beta wheels to beta testers so far. We have chosen the most experienced, critical and respected guys out there to help us finding remaining flaws and to sort out bugs. We have picked those customers from our customer base, real race drivers, pro sim drivers, game developers or respected community members of various forums.
They all helped us to make a better product and I would like to thank all of them for doing a great job!
It was not our intention and there is no obligation whatsoever that those beta testers also make a review about it but some of them asked us if they can do it and we are happy to let them share their opinion.
Those reviews might not be 100% objective as some testers have a history (good or bad) with Fanatec and some of them appreciate the opportunity to be the first to enjoy the wheel. And although it has not been announced yet, they also might expect that they can keep the unit and purchase it with a discount.
On the other side we have asked the testers not to report about any issues or things which might have been changed in the final product. For example we changed the motor and made the inner construction more sturdy and changed the heat resistance which will rediuce the Curie effect on the magnets. And we are still working on the final firmware.
There will be a second round of reviews with magazines and bloggers once the final product is available.
So in any case it is good to listen to a lot of opinions to make up your own opinions and here they are:
(To be updated. Please post it in the comments if you find more)
Shaun Cole
Barry Rowland
Ronny Fantini, Michael Walser, Michael Herrmann (auf deutsch)
Mark Reynolds
Eric Sprehe
Henk Schoone
Christiaan van Beilen
Danny Bouwes (members only)
Will Currington
Doug Meyer
Danny Bouwes
Den ersten Reviews nach zu urteilen gibt es nur Eines zur CSW-Base-V2 zu sagen:
S E N S A T I O N E L L !
After having read your review, it is much more difficult to wait for the invitation code
Please Fanatec
Thank you in advance to all of the other reviewers.
Thats another great review from Berry Rowland! Unbiased as expected from him. Very pleased that he got the unit early too. I would have liked a more detailed comparison with his Bodnar wheel in terms of torque and precision. I know thats in total different league, but would be nice to know how its comparing to a direct drive system.
Looks like Fanatec stepped up the Quality significally!! Definitely a contender to the Accu Force Wheel at this price range.
That Porsche Wheel rim looks really sexy! Too bad that its gonna be a long wait until i can test this combination. Wel maybe i'm lucky and win an Invite Code. :P
Noch ist aber unklar, ob die V1 Base ebenfalls mit einem entsprechenden Rim funktionieren wird. Auch ist leider noch nicht bekannt, welche der beiden Konsolen demnächst von der V2 Base angefeuert wird.
Ich habe zwar beide Konsolen, aber aufgrund der zukünftig besseren Rennspiele (meiner Meinung nach) auf der PS4, hoffe ich auf Sony.
Würde schon gerne AC mit der V2 Base unsicher machen.
Verstehe aber Thomas, das er dazu noch nichts sagen möchte. Wobei es mir schon unter den Nägeln Brennt, zumal ich täglich von der Community gelöchert werde.
Hey Thomas ,
I own a set of the CSP V1 version bought from the first batch pre-order in 2009 . Am I eligible for a Invite code ?
Thank you ,
Teil 1 fand ich noch gut, aber wie bei Forza schaut man lieber auf die Familien -tauglichkeit und vergisst uns "Racer" völlig dabei.
Aber alles Ansichtssache.
Ich wünsche mir AC, pcars, GT7 usw. mit der V2 Base unsicher machen zu können
Bonne lecture !
This is a very nice upgrade for my v1.
Money waiting for fanatec
Code me, sugar tits!
Me too!!!
I had search for an opinion in forums or review that compare sensations with BMW rim vs universal+any fanatec rim or 918RS.
If new update torque in v2 are higher than v1 maybe BMW work fine without lost any "feeling" or force feedback power. If anyone can give his opinion I'd really apreciate it.
Thanks in advance
And the saved money is put apart to replace my CSW V1 by a CSW V2
Waiting for a invite!
Marussia F1 Team
When in Rome (or Milan), wear a cowboy hat! Obvs. Just a little promo work with @circuitamericas & @AlexanderRossi.
Still no mention of Xbox 360 compatibility? Can anyone confirm/deny if a suitable rim will be released for use with the 360? With Forza Horizon 2 still scheduled, not to mention Forza 4 (and 3-my favourite), F1 2014, and GRID Autosport, I think there would be a decent market for such a rim, not to mention the fact it might make the CSW V2 more attractive to those yet to take the step into the 'next gen'.
I will post this in the CSW V2 blog as well and hope for a positive outcome